Programme at Glance


Warm-up: London, 30-31 Aug.
Conference: Exeter, 2-6 Sept.

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Monday 2 Sep 2024

09:00 – 09:30 Invited Talks 1

Contagious ideas: tracking social change across online networks

Brooke Foucault WellesAuditorium

Chair: Ronaldo Menezes

Mon 09:00 – 09:30

09:45 – 13:00 Satellites 1


Room 11

Mon 09:45 – 13:00

Complex Systems & Collective Intelligence

Room 4

Mon 09:45 – 13:00

Criticality on networks

Room 7-8

Mon 09:45 – 13:00


Room 1-2-3

Mon 09:45 – 13:00


Room 10

Mon 09:45 – 13:00


Room 9

Mon 09:45 – 13:00


Room 5

Mon 09:45 – 13:00


Lab 1

Mon 09:45 – 13:00

Representation Learning

Room 12

Mon 09:45 – 13:00



Mon 09:45 – 13:00

14:00 – 14:30 Invited Talks 2

The mental lexicon as a complex network

Cynthia S. Q. SiewAuditorium

Chair: Federico Botta

Mon 14:00 – 14:30

14:45 – 18:00 Satellites 2


Room 11

Mon 14:45 – 18:00

Complex Systems & Collective Intelligence

Room 4

Mon 14:45 – 18:00


Room 12

Mon 14:45 – 18:00


Room 1-2-3

Mon 14:45 – 18:00


Room 10

Mon 14:45 – 18:00


Room 9

Mon 14:45 – 18:00


Room 5

Mon 14:45 – 18:00



Mon 14:45 – 18:00

Tuesday 3 Sep 2024

09:00 – 09:30 Invited Talks 3

Language Change: Evolution on a Social Network

Richard BlytheAuditorium

Chair: Elisa Omodei

Tue 09:00 – 09:30

09:45 – 13:00 Satellites 3


Room 7-8

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Complex Systems in Healthcare

Room 12

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Complexity in Economics & Finance

Room 11

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Computational Social Science


Tue 09:45 – 13:00


Lab 1

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Criminal Complexity

Room 4

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Ergodicity and the Economics of Sustainability

Room 5

Tue 09:45 – 13:00


Room 10

Tue 09:45 – 13:00


Room 12

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

Self-Organization in Complex Systems

Room 9

Tue 09:45 – 13:00

14:00 – 14:30 Invited Talks 4

Do navigation services amplify concentration of traffic in our cities?

Luca PappalardoAuditorium

Chair: Elsa Arcaute

Tue 14:00 – 14:30

14:45 – 18:00 Satellites 4


Room 7-8

Tue 14:45 – 18:00

Complexity in Economics & Finance

Room 11

Tue 14:45 – 18:00

Computational Social Science


Tue 14:45 – 18:00

Criminal Complexity

Room 4

Tue 14:45 – 18:00


Lab 1

Tue 14:45 – 18:00

Ergodicity and the Economics of Sustainability

Room 5

Tue 14:45 – 18:00


Room 10

Tue 14:45 – 18:00

Self-Organization in Complex Systems

Room 9

Tue 14:45 – 18:00

18:00 – 19:00 yrCSS Panel

Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society (yrCSS) Panel


Tue 18:00 – 19:00

Wednesday 4 Sep 2024

09:00 – 10:30 Keynote Talks 1

Rational vs exponential behaviors

Sandy PentlandAuditorium

Chair: Riccardo Di Clemente

Wed 09:00 – 09:45

Natural Complexity: can a complex systems approach improve methods for bioinspired design?

Nina FeffermanAuditorium

Chair: Iacopo Iacopini

Wed 09:45 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00 Lightning Talks 1

Local dominance unveils clusters in networks

Shi, Dingyi; Shang, Fan; Chen, Bingsheng; Expert, Paul; Lü, Linyuan; Stanley, H. Eugene; Lambiotte, Renaud; Evans, Tim; LI, Ruiqi*Auditorium

Wed 10:30 – 10:33

Adaptive Cut reveals multiscale complexity in networks

Boucherie, Louis*; Lehmann, SuneAuditorium

Wed 10:33 – 10:36

Optimal transport problem in complex systems

Mazzilli, Dario*; Patelli, Aurelio; Buffa, Lorenzo; Saracco, Fabio; Cimini, GiulioAuditorium

Wed 10:36 – 10:39

Inferring contact network degree distribution from epidemic data via the edge-based compartmental model

Guzmán Morán, José Andrés *; Kiss, Istvan Z; Malizia, Federico; Cole, Diana; Choi , BoseungAuditorium

Wed 10:39 – 10:42

Milgram’s experiment in the knowledge space: Individual navigation strategies

Zhu, Manran*; János, KertészAuditorium

Wed 10:42 – 10:45

Interdependence of Emissions: Analysing the dynamics in emissions using a simple linear model

Kumar, Nishanth*Auditorium

Wed 10:45 – 10:48

Understanding the Vegetable Oil Debate and Its Implications for Sustainability through Social Media

Candellone, Elena*; Aleta, Alberto; Ferraz de Arruda, Henrique; Meijaard, Erik; Moreno, YamirAuditorium

Wed 10:48 – 10:51

11:30 – 13:00 Parallel Sessions 1

11:30 – 13:00 Behavioral Patterns and Social Structures 1

The Robust Benefits of Social Influence for the Wisdom of Individuals in the Crowd

Pilgrim, Charles*; Becker, JoshuaRoom 1-2-3

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Bots, Elections, and Controversies: Twitter Insights from Brazil’s Polarised Elections

Pacheco, Diogo F*Room 1-2-3

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Story Arcs, Success and Diffusion of Turkish TV Dramas

K. Rizi, Abbas*; Pan, Guanghui; Adeel, Abdul Basit; Mutgan, SelcanRoom 1-2-3

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Detection of fraudulent practices in the Mexican public procurement network

Medina-Hernández, Martí*; János, Kertész; Fazekas, MihályRoom 1-2-3

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Exploring Patterns of Moderation in Mastodon’s Network of Federated Instances

Baqir, Anees*; Arregui-García, Beatriz; La Cava, Lucio; Meloni, Sandro; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 1-2-3

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

Networks of Lawyers Before the European Court of Human Rights

Ridi, Niccolò*; Fikfak, VeronikaRoom 1-2-3

Wed 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Complex Behaviors in Animal Populations

Scary movie: Behavioural Rules Governing Escape Decisions in Wild Fish Shoals

Neven, Sara Linde*; Martin, Benjamin; de Roos, AndréRoom 11

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Leveraging the power of higher-order networks to study animal communication

Silk, Matthew*; Iacopini, Iacopo; Foote, Jennifer; Derryberry, Liz; Fefferman, NinaRoom 11

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Temnothorax ants use recruitment to achieve beyond their individual capabilities

Ohlinger, Bradley D*Room 11

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Scaling-up interaction signal dynamics to understand population-level spatial organization

Colombo, Eduardo H*Room 11

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

11:30 – 13:00 Complexity in Cities 1

Understanding Route Diversifiability in Urban Road Networks

Cornacchia, Giuliano*; Pappalardo, Luca; Nanni, Mirco; Pedreschi, Dino; González, Marta C.Auditorium

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Self-organized, globally optimal, and real-world urban transportation networks — Similarities and discrepancies

Schläpfer, Markus*Auditorium

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

SP(L)ACES: Remote sensing sidewalk networks at scale

Borge-Holthoefer, Javier*Auditorium

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Optimising geospatial vector data matching algorithms for change detection with synthetic data

Guardiola, Paul; Raimbault, Juste*; Olteanu-Raimond, Ana-Maria; Perret, JulienAuditorium

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

City mobility across the urban hierarchy

Musso, Andrea*Auditorium

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Financial Complexity, and Economic Networks 1

Towards a statistical understanding of the evolution of production networks on the firm level

Reisch, Tobias*; Borsos, András; Thurner, StefanRoom 4

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

The Impact of AI on the Labour Market from the perspective of Economic Complexity

Fenoaltea, Enrico Maria*Room 4

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Shock propagation in multi-product-firm production networks

Kreis, Maike*; Diem, Christian; Schueller, William; Fialkowski, Jan; Thurner, StefanRoom 4

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

A Network Approach for supply chain due diligence risk assessment in the EU

Hurt, Jan*; Ledebur, Katharina; Meyer, Birgit; Friesenbichler, Klaus; Gerschberger, Markus; Thurner, Stefan; Klimek, PeterRoom 4

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Economic shocks in reconstructed firm-to-firm networks from input-output data

Luzzati, Davide Samuele; Ialongo, Leonardo Niccolò*; Fagiolo, Giorgio; Garlaschelli, DiegoRoom 4

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

Mitigating systemic risk in production networks by local rewiring

Zelbi, Giacomo*; Thurner, StefanRoom 4

Wed 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Foundations of Complex Systems

Modeling complex aggregation processes using recent advances in combinatorial approach

Łepek, Michał*; Fronczak, Agata; Fronczak, PiotrRoom 7-8

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Awareness paradox induced by network density, degree heterogeneity, and disassortativity

Kolok, Csego; Odor, Gergely*; Keliger, Daniel; Karsai, MartonRoom 7-8

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

A self-supervised learning approach to the cellular automaton classification problem

Rollier, Michiel*Room 7-8

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Criticality in linear vs. combinatorial evolutionary models: from graphs to hypergraphs

Michaud, Jérôme*Room 7-8

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Canards: Continuous rapid transitions in turbulent combustors

Siddaruda Bhavi, Ramesh*; Sudarsanan, Sivakumar; Bhaskaran, Anaswara; Raghunathan, Manikandan; Sujith, R.IRoom 7-8

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Modeling and Mitigating Epidemics 1

Limited efficacy of forward contact tracing in epidemics

de Meijere, Giulia*Room 5

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Enhancing global preparedness during an ongoing pandemic from partial and noisy data

d’Andrea, Valeria*Room 5

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Analytical modeling of generalized ring vaccination strategies

Scianna, Matteo; Tizzoni, Michele; Gallotti, Riccardo; Artime, Oriol*; Alvarez Zuzek, Lucila GRoom 5

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Quantifying the impact of behavioural relaxation during the initial phase of COVID-19 vaccinations

Li, Yuhan; Gozzi, Nicolò; Perra, Nicola*Room 5

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Strength and weakness of disease-induced herd immunity

Hiraoka, Takayuki*; Ghadiri, Zahra; K. Rizi, Abbas; Kivelä, Mikko; Saramäki, JariRoom 5

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

Characterizing collaborations and research flows in Vaccine Hesitancy Research

Balsamo, Duilio*; Offeddu, Vittoria; Aghamohammadi, Zhina; Leone, Laura Pasqua ; Torbica, Aleksandra; Shayegh, Soheil; Andreu-Perez, Javier; Melegaro, AlessiaRoom 5

Wed 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Modeling Climate Risks and Impacts

Firm-level supply chains to minimize unemployment and economic losses in rapid decarbonization scenarios

Stangl, Johannes*; Borsos, András; Diem, Christian; Reisch, Tobias; Thurner, StefanLab 1

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Swarm Mobile Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring and Citizen Science

Dimitri, Giovanna; Vitanza, Eleonora*; Mocenni, ChiaraLab 1

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

A scalable gravity-based method for identifying critical road segments in global cities

Chakraborty, Sukankana*; O’Clery, Neave; Rentschler, Jun; Avner, PaoloLab 1

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Modeling the Dynamics of Heterogeneous Climate Change Risk Perceptions: An Agent Based Model of US Population, 2010-2030

Zia, Asim*Lab 1

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Assessing the interdependence of climate tipping elements

Scagliarini, Tomas*; De Domenico, Manlio; Gamba, LorenzoLab 1

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Opinion Dynamics and Network Stability

Heterogeneous connectivity mitigates adversarial attacks on voter model dynamics in complex networks

Takemoto, KazuhiroRoom 10

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Assessing frustration in real-world signed networks: towards a statistical theory of balance

Gallo, Anna*; Garlaschelli, Diego; Lambiotte, Renaud; Saracco, Fabio; Squartini, TizianoRoom 10

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Spontaneous Opinion Swings in the Voter Model with Latency

Palermo, Giovanni*; Mancini, Anna; Desiderio, Antonio; Di Clemente, Riccardo; Cimini, GiulioRoom 10

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

An extended Axelrod’s model of innovation spreading and emergence of linguistic diversity

Dornelas, Vivian*; Anteneodo, Celia; Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, MarcoRoom 10

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

Temporal Dynamics of Social Networks in Rural India: Insights from a Longitudinal Study

Singh, Rahul Kumar*; Gaurav, SarthakRoom 10

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Science of Science

From Revolution to Research: Interplay Between Funding, Migration, and Scholarly Attention post-Arab Spring

Asgari, Yasaman*; Zhou, Hongyu; Rezapour, Shadi; Villacastin , Juven ; Kadir Ozer, Ozgur; Sloane, Mary Ellen; Bovet, AlexandreRoom 9

Wed 11:30 – 11:45

Is disruption decreasing, or is it accelerating?

Valverde, Sergi*Room 9

Wed 11:45 – 12:00

Gender representation and homophily as barriers to women’s career in science

Jaramillo, Ana Maria; Macedo, Mariana*; Oliveira, Marcos; Karimi, Fariba; Menezes, RonaldoRoom 9

Wed 12:00 – 12:15

Temporal glass ceiling: Gender disparities in the dissemination and acquisition of scientific knowledge

Zappalà, Chiara*; Gallo, Luca; Bachmann, Jan; Battiston, Federico; Karimi, FaribaRoom 9

Wed 12:15 – 12:30

The Role of Science in the Universe of Conspiracy Theories

Alvarez Zuzek, Lucila G*; Bertani, Anna; Baqir, Anees; Venturini, Tommaso; Traag, Vincent; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 9

Wed 12:30 – 12:45

AI for neuroscience and neuroscience for AI: how AI and neuroscience are growing together

Fontaine, Sylvain*; Gargiulo, FlorianaRoom 9

Wed 12:45 – 13:00

14:00 – 14:45 Keynote Talks 2

Network Representations for Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems

Tomaso AsteAuditorium

Chair: Carlos Gershenson

Wed 14:00 – 14:45

14:45 – 15:15 Invited Talks 5

Toward a predictive political science

Karoline WiesnerAuditorium

Chair: José Javier Ramasco

Wed 14:45 – 15:15

15:30 – 17:30 Parallel Sessions 2

15:30 – 17:30 Behavioral Patterns and Social Structures 2

Detectability of Minority Communities in Networks

Li, Jiaze*; Peel, LetoRoom 1-2-3

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Migration costs and rewarding schemes in spatial public goods games

Ibrahimli, Rashid*; Antonioni, AlbertoRoom 1-2-3

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

An entropic study of social manifestations

Gandica, Yérali C*Room 1-2-3

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

News ecosystem dynamics: Supply, Demand, Diffusion, and the role of Disinformation

Gravino, Pietro*; Prevedello, Giulio; Brugnoli, EmanueleRoom 1-2-3

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

Drift Diffusion Model to Predict the Evolution of Cooperation in Group Dynamics

Alvarez Zuzek, Lucila G*; Ferrarotti, Laura; Lepri, Bruno; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 1-2-3

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

Tendencies toward triadic closure: Field-experimental evidence

Mosleh, Mohsen*Room 1-2-3

Wed 17:15 – 17:30

15:30 – 17:30 Complex Human Systems

Exploratory Network Modelling of Complex Human Systems in Time-Use Research: Results from Wave 1 of the Singapore NCSS-NAK 360 Panel Study

Ho, Han Sheng*; Ortega, Emily; Chan, Bryan Yu Xiu; Tay, Azriel Xunkai; Tang, Sabrina Seng OoiRoom 9

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

A theoretical framework for studying culture as a complex adaptive system

Jansson, Fredrik*Room 9

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Complex systems analysis of subjective well-being

Dignum, Eric*; Roy, Debraj; Gerrits, LasseRoom 9

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Using measures from complexity to predict transitions towards depression

George, Sandip V*Room 9

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

A Reciprocal-Practice-Skill Model of Self-Regulated Learning

Laskar, Pritam*; var der Maas, HanRoom 9

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

Networks of Beliefs: An Integrative Theory of Individual- and Social-Level Belief Dynamics

Dalege, Jonas*; Galesic, Mirta; Olsson, HenrikRoom 9

Wed 17:15 – 17:30

15:30 – 17:30 Complexity in Cities 2

Information Flow and Causal Redundancy in Geographic Systems: With the Case of the UK Housing Market

Zhang, Jing*Auditorium

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Measuring urban mobility and employment diversification across different regions

Wu, Zeyu*; González, Marta C.Auditorium

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Mobility behavior by type of work and its implications for informality

Chavez-Jimenez, Christopher*; Rosas, Marco Antonio; Osorio, Carlos; Knoblauch, Steffen; Rocha, Antonio A; Gershenson, Carlos; González, Marta C.Auditorium

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Unraveling the interplay of time use, mobility, and lifestyles across urban occupations

Chen, Baoqi Eileen*; González, Marta C.Auditorium

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

Modeling gentrification as a relocation flow-based, spatio-temporal process

Mauro, Giovanni*; Pedreschi, Nicola; Lambiotte, Renaud; Pappalardo, LucaAuditorium

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Financial Complexity, and Economic Networks 2

Source of multiscaling in rough volatility models

Casaburi, Pasquale*; Di Matteo, TizianaRoom 4

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Synthetic Financial Time Series by Diffusion Models

Mizuno, Takayuki*; Takahashi, TomonoriRoom 4

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Venture Capital: how to become a successful investor

Zava, Marta*Room 4

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Mapping critical raw materials in green technologies

Sbardella, Angelica*; de Cunzo, Franceasco; Consoli, Davide ; Perruchas, FrancoisRoom 4

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

Calibration of a Novel Large-Scale Economic Agent-based Model

Wiese, Samuel*; Kaszowska-Mojsa, Jagoda; Dyer, Joel; Moran, Jose; Pangallo, Marco; Calinescu, Anisoara; Farmer, DoyneRoom 4

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

Fat Tails, Volatility Clustering, Short-term and Long-term Multifractality of the East Asian Stock Exchange Indices

Antenorcruz, Jude Maria V*; Batac, Rene CRoom 4

Wed 17:15 – 17:30

15:30 – 17:30 Modeling and Mitigating Epidemics 2

Endemic infectious states below the epidemic threshold and beyond herd immunity

Ramasco, Jose*Room 5

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Modeling pathogen-pathogen competition in a multi-pathogen ensemble: application to the co-circulation of seasonal respiratory viruses.

Sartore, Marika*; Azaele, Sandro; Maritan, Amos; Poletto, ChiaraRoom 5

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

An analytical approach to estimating outbreak probability for spatially structured epidemics and its application to pandemic preparedness

Wang, Boxuan*; Valdano, EugenioRoom 5

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

15:30 – 17:30 Personalization and Information Spread

The Preservation of Input/Output Directed Graph Informativeness under Crossover

Pape, Andreas D; Schaffer, J. David; Sayama, Hiroki*; Zosh, ChristopherRoom 7-8

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Disentangling high order effects in the transfer entropy

Stramaglia, Sebastiano; Faes, Luca; Cortes, Jesus; Marinazzo, Daniele*Room 7-8

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Search-engine personalization and filter bubbles: evidence from searches related to an ongoing conflict

Damião, Íris*; Almeida, Paulo; Sa, Joana G; Reis, JoséRoom 7-8

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Decoding the News Media Diet of Disinformation Spreaders

Bertani, Anna A*; Mazzeo, Valeria; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 7-8

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

15:30 – 17:30 Robustness and Complexity in Biological Networks

Assessing robustness of microbiological behaviours using agent-based model

Proverbio, Daniele*; Reginato, Damiano; Gallo, Luca; Passalacqua, Barbara; Giordano, GiuliaRoom 11

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Robustness and Complexity of Directed and Weighted Metabolic Hypergraphs

Traversa, Pietro*; Ferraz de Arruda, Guilherme; Vazquez, Alexei; Moreno, YamirRoom 11

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Investigating the Effect of Noise on the Density Classification Task for Various Cellular Automaton Rules

Challa, Annajirao ; Hao, Duxiao*; Rozum, Jordan ; Rocha, Luis MRoom 11

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Protein self-similarity and protein function

Moret, Marcelo A*Room 11

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

Network Modeling of Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EndMT) caused by Dengue Virus

Fernández, Nelson *; Gershenson, Carlos; Camacho, PaulaRoom 11

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

In-silico model of the pregnant uterus as a network of oscillators under sparse adaptive control

Ferro, Giuseppe M*; Sornette, Didier; Somazzi, AndreaRoom 11

Wed 17:15 – 17:30

15:30 – 17:30 Team Dynamics and Collaboration

Non-linearity and Power laws in IPSC shooting ranks

Frisia, Michele*Lab 1

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Event Distribution Randomness for Predicting Match Winners in Association Football

Bandara, Ishara S*Lab 1

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Team and workload dynamics in collaborative environment

Betti, Lorenzo*; Gallo, Luca; Wachs, Johannes; Battiston, FedericoLab 1

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

Evolution in the Olympic Race

Rella, Simon A*Lab 1

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

The Evolution of Platform-Driven Collaboration

Maddah, Negin; Heydari, Babak*Lab 1

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Theory of Complex Systems 1

Biased versus unbiased numerical methods for stochastic simulations of complex systems

Toral, Raul*; Aguilar, Javier; Ramasco, JoseRoom 10

Wed 15:30 – 15:45

Mining Walks on a Network: path prediction and motif counting with self-loops and given start/end nodes

Teo, Kevin*; Arnold, Naomi; Kiss, Istvan Z; Hone, AndrewRoom 10

Wed 15:45 – 16:00

Finding Large Independent Sets in Networks Using Competitive Dynamics

Mooij, Niek*Room 10

Wed 16:00 – 16:15

The Oneira Project: Visualizing Complex Systems in Motion

Phoenix, Jon C*Room 10

Wed 16:45 – 17:00

A generative model for networks that creates networks with given partition similarity

Zhong, Peijie*; Clegg, Richard G; Mondragon, Raul J.Room 10

Wed 17:00 – 17:15

17:30 – 18:15 Demystifying publishing for ECRs

Demystifying publishing for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) – Sponsored by PLOS Complex Systems


Wed 17:30 – 18:15

Thursday 5 Sep 2024

09:00 – 10:30 Keynote Talks 3

Evolutionary consequences of Human Multilevel Social Structure

Andrea Bamberg MiglianoAuditorium

Chair: Ronaldo Menezes

Thu 09:00 – 09:45

Meaning from Matter: towards a theory of semantic information

Gourab GhoshalAuditorium

Chair: Mariana Macedo

Thu 09:45 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00 Lightning Talks 2

On the forecastability of food insecurity

Foini, Pietro; Tizzoni, Michele; Martini, Giulia; Paolotti, Daniela; Omodei, Elisa*Auditorium

Thu 10:30 – 10:33

Higher-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal hypergraphs

Gallo, Luca*; Lacasa, Lucas; Latora, Vito; Battiston, FedericoAuditorium

Thu 10:33 – 10:36

Distinguishing between determinism and noise in complex systems data

Rowland Adams, Joe*Auditorium

Thu 10:36 – 10:39

Complexity and Ethics

Asgari, Yasaman*; Alterman Blay, Enio; Jaramillo, Ana; Adisa, Olumide; Dies, Samantha; Resende, Paulo; Di Bona, GabrieleAuditorium

Thu 10:39 – 10:42

Urban poor exhibit higher smartphone usage during nighttime hours

Musso, Andrea*; Alessandretti, Laura MAuditorium

Thu 10:42 – 10:45

Revisiting and modeling power-law distributions in empirical outage data of power systems

Odor, Geza*; Hartmann, Balint; Deng, Shengfeng; Kelling, JeffreyAuditorium

Thu 10:45 – 10:48

Multiplayer cooperation in networks of communities

Pires, Diogo L*; Broom, MarkAuditorium

Thu 10:48 – 10:51

11:30 – 13:00 Parallel Sessions 3

11:30 – 13:00 Complex Networks 1

Communicability geometry reveals antagonistic factions in signed networks

Diaz-Diaz, Fernando*; Estrada Roger, ErnestoRoom 7-8

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Investigating shocking events in temporal and multilayer complex networks

Ba, Cheick Tidiane*; Steer, Ben; Clegg, Richard GRoom 7-8

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Multi-Scale Node Embeddings for Networks

Milocco, Riccardo RM*; Garlaschelli, Diego; Jansen, FabianRoom 7-8

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Temporal network generation: from small to large scale in time and topology

Cencetti, Giulia*; Barrat, AlainRoom 7-8

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Graph embeddings with structured kernels

Talaga, Szymon*Room 7-8

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Complex Systems Applications

Tweet2Geo: from locations extraction to the network of international interests

Orsanigo, Veronica*; Bontorin, Sebastiano; Louf, Thomas; Leonardelli, Elisa; Palmero Aprosio, Alessio; Tonelli, Sara; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 9

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Mining higher-order triadic interactions in gene-expression data

Niedostatek, Marta*; Baptista, Anthony; Sanchez-Garcia, Ruben J; MacArthur, Ben; Yamamoto, Jun; Bianconi, Ginestra; Kurths, JürgenRoom 9

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Modeling lead-acid batteries lifecycle performance using rhoDCCA in the automotive context

Murari, Thiago B*; Moret, Marcelo A; Costa, RobertoRoom 9

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Path dependency in the evolution of grammar: a network analysis of linguistic traits

Jon-And, Anna*; Domínguez-García, Virginia; Ranjan, Ravi; Bücker, Joris; Ang, Bernise; Skirgård, Hedvig; Jansson, Fredrik; Michaud, JérômeRoom 9

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Quantifying Kuramoto coupling across inherent brain networks: Application to EEG data in major depressive disorder

Ghosh, Anupam*Room 9

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

Language distances and geographical proximity through the lens of syntactic variation: An information-theoretic approach

Sanchez, David*; De Gregorio, Juan; Toral, RaulRoom 9

Thu 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Complexity and Opinion Dynamics in Society

A Higher-Order Lens for Social Systems

Preti, Giulia*; Fazzone, Adriano; Petri, Giovanni; De Francisci Morales, GianmarcoRoom 1-2-3

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Dynamics of political regime types in the 20th century

Pirker-Diaz, Paula*; Wiesner, KarolineRoom 1-2-3

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

The role of moral values in the social media debate

Prevedello, Giulio*; Brugnoli, Emanuele; Gravino, Pietro; Lo Sardo, Donald Ruggiero; Loreto, VittorioRoom 1-2-3

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Understanding individual experience in a human society by applying the normalized Lempel-Ziv complexity to an adaptive social network model

Gangadhar, Akshay*; Sayama, HirokiRoom 1-2-3

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Phase coexistence as a consequence of heterogeneity in the Hegselmann-Krause opinion dynamics model

Perrier, Rémi; Schawe, Hendrik; Hernandez, Laura*Room 1-2-3

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Complexity and Sustainability in Ecological Systems 1

Modelling higher-order interactions using agent based models

Van Giel, Thomas*; Baetens, Jan; De Baets, Bernard; Daly, AislingRoom 11

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Universal spatial properties of coral reefs

Giménez-Romero, Àlex*; Matías, Manuel A.; Duarte, CarlosRoom 11

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Spatial self-organisation of microbial decomposer communities

Kaiser, Christina*; Dieckmann, Ulf; Evans, Sarah; Guseva, Ksenia; Widder, StefanieRoom 11

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Stable coexistence in indefinitely large systems of competing species

Niek Mooij, Mara Baudena, Anna von der Heydt, Ivan Kryven*Room 11

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Game theory to implement conservation strategies on marine life

Buenvaron, Gorka*Room 11

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

Structural controllability of cascading regime shifts

Rocha, Juan C*; Crépin, Anne-SophieRoom 11

Thu 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Complexity in Cities 3

Finite-size scaling of human-population distributions over fixed-size cells and relation to bifractality

Corral, Alvaro*; Garcia del Muro, MontseAuditorium

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Mobility is more sustainable in compact and 15-minute cities

Marzolla, Francesco*; Bruno, Matteo; Monteiro Melo, Hygor Piaget; Loreto, VittorioAuditorium

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Integrating Air Traffic into the Global Value Chain: the case of Singapore

Amico, Ambra*Auditorium

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Assessing the real estate market spatial segmentation

Abella, David*Auditorium

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Land Use and Urban Accessibility: A New Approach using Fitness and Complexity Metrics

Monteiro Melo, Hygor Piaget*; Bruno, Matteo; Loreto, VittorioAuditorium

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

Emerging electricity usage patterns and its origins in urban travel behavior

Acosta Sequeda, Juan G*; Auld, Joshua; Derrible, SybilAuditorium

Thu 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Complexity in Health

Exploring Diabetics’ Online Food Shopping Experience with Large Pre-Trained Language Models

Zhu, Zhen*Room 5

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Stratification of Cancer Patients Using Visit Trajectory Analysis

Lindner, Simon D*; Zeilinger, Elisabeth; Gaiger, Alexander; Klimek, Peter; Lubowitzki, SimoneRoom 5

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

The Gravity of Gravity: How Enhanced Newtonian Principles Predict Emergency Department Visits

Bertolotti, Francesco*; Schettini, Fabrizio; Asperti, Federica; Foglia, EmanuelaRoom 5

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Unraveling cradle-to-grave disease trajectories from multilayer comorbidity networks

Dervic, Elma *Room 5

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Bridging Complexity and Biomedical Sciences

Espinosa Sosa, Alejandro*Room 5

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 12:58 Financial Complexity, and Economic Networks 3

The rise and fall of WallStreetBets: social roles and opinion leaders across the GameStop saga

Mancini, Anna*; Cimini, Giulio; Di Clemente, Riccardo; Desiderio, Antonio; Palermo, GiovanniRoom 4

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Prediction of TV weekly sales using time series decomposition

Yamashita Rios de Sousa, Arthur Matsuo*; Ozaki, Junichi; Shida, Yohei; Wu, Qianyun; Yixuan, Zheng; Zhong, Zhihua; Masukawa, Rie; Jiang, Jiwei; Nagayama, Kei; Tokumoto, Daiki; Ando, Daisuke; Takayasu, Hideki; Takayasu, MisakoRoom 4

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Modeling Negative Sentiment Diffusion in Financial Markets via Reddit Interactions: Integrating Deep Learning and Network Dynamics

Baratto, Marta*; Paletto, LorenzoRoom 4

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Networked Truths: Understanding the Statistical Patterns of Fact-Checkers’ Debunks

Bertani, Anna A; Kadkhoda, Kaveh*; Mazzeo, Valeria; Szymkiewicz, Aleksy; Gallotti, RiccardoRoom 4

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

A novel Sparse Graphical Model for optimizing portfolio assets allocation

Riso, Luigi*; Zoia , Maria Grazia ; Di Matteo, TizianaRoom 4

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Human Mobility 1

Barriers of Urban Mobility

Pintér, Gergő*; Lengyel, BalázsLab 1

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Decomposing geographical and universal aspects of human mobility

Boucherie, Louis*; Maier, Benjamin; Lehmann, SuneLab 1

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

A generalized vector-field framework for mobility

Mazzoli, Mattia*; Liu, Erjian; Ramasco, JoseLab 1

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

Detection of Anomalous Spatio-temporal Patterns of App Traffic in Response to Catastrophic Events

Medina, Sofia*; Pedreschi, Nicola; LaRock, Timothy; Babul, Shazia Ayn; Sahasrabuddhe, Rohit; Lambiotte, RenaudLab 1

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

Modelling Traffic Flow for Mixed Slow and Fast Moving Transport System: The Case of Baybay City

Derecho, John Niño T.*; Abad, Hannah RissahLab 1

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Theory of Complex Systems 2

Asymmetry in the distribution of unit properties is the key factor determining the efficiency of collective oscillations in FitzHugh-Nagumo networks

Scialla, Stefano*; Patriarca, Marco; Heinsalu, Els; Yamakou, Marius; Cartwright, JulyanRoom 10

Thu 11:30 – 11:45

Meta-plasticity and memory in multi-level recurrent feed-forward networks

Zanardi, Gianmarco*; Bettotti, Paolo; Morand, Jules; PAVESI, Lorenzo; Tubiana, LucaRoom 10

Thu 11:45 – 12:00

Estimating Time-Resolved Stochasticity in Nonstationary Timeseries

Manshour, Pouya*; Palus, Milan; Rahimi Tabar, M. RezaRoom 10

Thu 12:00 – 12:15

The distribution of first passage times of random walks on random regular graphs

Biham, Ofer*; Tishby, Ido; Katzav, EytanRoom 10

Thu 12:15 – 12:30

A microstrip antenna based on aperiodic tilings

Rivera Torres, Pedro J*Room 10

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

Universal scaling behavior at finite times in the transcritical, saddle-node, and pitchfork discrete and continuous bifurcations

Corral, Alvaro*Room 10

Thu 12:45 – 13:00

14:00 – 14:45 Keynote Talks 4

Understanding beautiful places and wellbeing with AI

Suzy MoatAuditorium

Chair: Federico Botta

Thu 14:00 – 14:45

14:45 – 15:15 Invited Talks 6

Reconstruction and Systemic Risk of Production Networks

Giulio CiminiAuditorium

Chair: Giovanni Petri

Thu 14:45 – 15:15

15:30 – 17:30 Parallel Sessions 4

15:30 – 17:30 Behavioral Patterns and Social Structures 3

When Dialects Collide: How Socioeconomic Mixing Affects Language Use

Louf, Thomas*; Ramasco, Jose; Sanchez, David; Karsai, MartonRoom 1-2-3

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Multimodal emotional analysis of the conversation around climate change on YouTube

Ganbold, Byambakhishig; Kadkhoda, Kaveh; Sebe, Nicu; Gallotti, Riccardo*Room 1-2-3

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Thresholds for learning language lead to a variety of stable states in bilingual societies

Tamm, Mikhail*; Heinsalu, Els; Scialla, Stefano; Patriarca, MarcoRoom 1-2-3

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

From Journals to GitHub: Understanding AI Researchers’ Practices

Houssard, Antoine*Room 1-2-3

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Polarization on social media – German Twitter trends 2021-2023

Pournaki, Armin; Gaisbauer, Felix; Olbrich, Eckehard*Room 1-2-3

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

Can language learning be responsible for language coexistence?

Tamm, Mikhail; Scialla, Stefano; Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco*Room 1-2-3

Thu 17:15 – 17:30

15:30 – 17:30 Cognition and Complexity in Social Systems

Impact of cognitive biases on collective reinforcement learning and application to sustainability transitions

Bergerot, Clemence*; Barfuss, Wolfram; Romanczuk, PawelRoom 9

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Exploitation and exploration in text evolution. Quantifying planning and translation flows during writing

Lo Sardo, Donald Ruggiero*; Gravino, Pietro; Loreto, Vittorio; Cuskley, ChristineRoom 9

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Unfreezing Opinions: Understanding Pretest Effects in the Ising Attitude Model

Smal, Iris M*; Dalege, Jonas; Alexi, Xanthippi; van der Maas, HanRoom 9

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Revisiting Word Order in the Left Periphery: A Dynamic Model Inspired by Ecological Systems

Callegari, Elena*Room 9

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

15:30 – 17:30 Complex Networks 2

Information diffusion backbone of temporal higher-order networks

Zhang, Shilun*; Wang, Huijuan; Ceria, AlbertoRoom 7-8

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Network mutual information measures for graph similarity

Felippe, Helcio*; Battiston, Federico; Kirkley, AlecRoom 7-8

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Heterogeneity in Multilayer Random Boolean Networks

Lopez-Diaz, Amahury J.*; Franco, Mario; Gershenson, CarlosRoom 7-8

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Topological communities in complex networks

Seoane, Luis F*Room 7-8

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Multi-scale Laplacian community detection in heterogeneous networks

Gabrielli, Andrea*Room 7-8

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Complexity and Sustainability in Ecological Systems 2

Complexity Issues in Sustainability: Time to Focus on Overall System Outcomes Rather Than Simplistic Individual Targets

Fisher, Len R*; Gross, Thilo; Hillebrand, Helmut; Sandberg, Anders; Sayama, HirokiRoom 11

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

From dense to sparse – Optimal Transport in a random graph framework

Buffa, Lorenzo*; Cimini, Giulio; Mazzilli, Dario; Patelli, Aurelio; Saracco, FabioRoom 11

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Ranking species in complex ecosystems through nestedness maximization

Mariani, Manuel Sebastian; Mazzilli, Dario; Patelli, Aurelio*; Morone, FlavianoRoom 11

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

On the structure of species-function participation in multilayer ecological networks

Cuevas Blanco, Mar*Room 11

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Network theory for ecosystem services research

Casali, Ylenia*Room 11

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Complexity in Cities 4

City-State Interactions in a Resource-Constrained Environment: an Agent-based Model

Piras, Andrea; Bertolotti, Francesco*Auditorium

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Understanding Resource-Flow Resilience in the Face of Climate Change

González, Marta C.*; Salgado, Ariel; He, Yiyi; Radke, John; Ganguly, AuroopAuditorium

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Monocentrism and phase transition in traffic systems

Amaduzzi, Alberto*; Gallotti, Riccardo; González, Marta C.; Bazzani, ArmandoAuditorium

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Evolution of urban community structures

Guizzo, Andrea*; Centellegher, Simone; Lucchini, Lorenzo; Privitera, Filippo; Lepri, Bruno; Girolami, Michele; Pappalardo, Luca; Gallotti, RiccardoAuditorium

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Hierarchical Structure of Interregional Supply Chain: A Multilayer Network Approach

Maulana, Ardian*; Situngkir, HokkyAuditorium

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Higher-Order Networks

Entropy-based random models for hypergraphs

Squartini, Tiziano*Room 10

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Insights from exact social contagion dynamics on networks with higher-order structures

Kiss, Istvan Z*Room 10

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Multiplex measures for higher-order networks

Lotito, Quintino Francesco*; Montresor, Alberto; Battiston, FedericoRoom 10

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Intra-order hyperedge overlap drives explosive collective behaviors in systems with higher-order interactions

Malizia, Federico*Room 10

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Functional reducibility of higher-order networks

Lucas, Maxime*; Gallo, Luca; Ghavasieh, Arsham; Battiston, Federico; De Domenico, ManlioRoom 10

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Human Mobility 2

Resilience of mobility network in Chile to dynamic population response across COVID-19 interventions: evidence from Chile

Casaburi, Pasquale*; Mazzoli, Mattia; Gozzi, Nicolò; Ferres, Leo; Kalimeri, Kyriaki; Dall’Amico, Lorenzo; Sapienza, Anna; Schifanella, RossanoLab 1

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Human mobility in the metaverse

Vasan, Kishore*Lab 1

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Prioritizing links in bicycle network plans with greedy network optimization

Sebastiao, Clément*; Vybornova, Anastassia; Rahbek Vierø, Ane; Szell, MichaelLab 1

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Those holding the fort: The complexity of human mobility beyond the traditional commute patterns

Murcio, Roberto*; Barros, JoanaLab 1

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Mixing Individual and Collective Behaviours in Mobility Models

Bontorin, Sebastiano; Centellegher, Simone; Gallotti, Riccardo; Pappalardo, Luca; Lepri, Bruno; Luca, Massimiliano*Lab 1

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Machine Learning

Non-Spatial Hash Chemistry as a Minimalistic Open-Ended Evolutionary System

Sayama, Hiroki*Room 4

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

The Spontaneous Emergence of Social Norms in Societies of Large Language Model-based Agents

Flint Ashery, Ariel*; Aiello, Luca Maria; Baronchelli, AndreaRoom 4

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

Unpacking heterogeneities of Swarm Intelligence using Network Science

Lira da Silva, Rodrigo Cesar; Macedo, Mariana*; Siqueira, Hugo Valadares; Menezes, Ronaldo; Bastos-Filho, Carmelo J. A.Room 4

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

From Raman spectra of thyroid samples to carcinoma diagnosis through eXplainable Artificial Intelligence

Bellantuono, Loredana*; Tommasi, Raffaele; Di Gioacchino, Michael; Pantaleo, Ester; Amoroso, Nicola; Crucitti, Pierfilippo; Longo, Filippo; Monaco, Alfonso; Naciu, Anda Mihaela; Palermo, Andrea; Taffon, Chiara; Tangaro, Sabina; Crescenzi, Anna; Sodo, Armida; Bellotti, RobertoRoom 4

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

Emergence of Consensus among Large Language Models

De Marzo, Giordano*Room 4

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

15:30 – 17:30 Modeling and Mitigating Epidemics 3

Epidemic spreading in group-structured populations

Radicchi, Filippo*Room 5

Thu 15:30 – 15:45

Local awareness fatigue during COVID-19 inferred by surveys and genetic sequence data

Odor, Gergely*; Karsai, MartonRoom 5

Thu 15:45 – 16:00

The limits of human mobility traces to predict the spread of COVID-19

Delussu, Federico; Tizzoni, Michele; Gauvin, Laetitia*Room 5

Thu 16:00 – 16:15

Quantifying the impact of border screening and travel restrictions during global infectious disease outbreaks

Bay, Clara*; Davis, Jessica; Chinazzi, Matteo; Vespignani, AlessandroRoom 5

Thu 16:45 – 17:00

The socioeconomic determinants of contact patterns: insights from Italy

Tizzani, Michele*; Gauvin, LaetitiaRoom 5

Thu 17:00 – 17:15

The effect of Human Mobility on Exposure to Air Pollution

Delussu, Federico*; Alessandretti, Laura M; Lousseau, DavidRoom 5

Thu 17:15 – 17:30

17:30 – 20:00 Poster Session

Poster Session & Cocktails Sponsored by JPhys Complexity

The Sanctuary

Forecasting the Future of AI: A Patent Analysis Approach Using BERTopic and Time Series Liu, Yingxuan*
ADAGE: A generic two-layer framework for adaptive agent based modelling Evans, Benjamin Patrick*; Ardon, Leo; Zeng, Sihan; Ganesh, Sumitra
The chess food web from human chess play data analytics van Rijn, Kaj D; Tazelaar, Steven; Koornstra, Jelte; Bucur, Doina*
Non-strong community structure in collaborative research grant hypergraphs Nakajima, Kazuki*; Uno, Takeaki
Enhancing Compliance with Regulations on Cross-Border Data Transfer: A Study Based on Agent-Based Model Zhang, Kunbei*
Reading Comprehension as Embodied Action: Exploratory Findings on Nonlinear Eye Movement Dynamics and Comprehension of Scientific Texts Bammel, Moritz*; Sanches de Oliveira, Guilherme
Activity of vehicles in the bus rapid transit system Metrobús in Mexico City Martínez-González, Jaspe*; Pérez-Riascos, Alejandro
Leveraging Frustration-Based Clustering Approaches to Identify Societal Fault Lines and Issue Alignment in Signed Networks of Online Interaction Fraxanet Morales, Emma*; Pellert, Max; Garcia, David; Gómez, Vicenç; Schweighofer, Simon
Visual and Textual Analysis of the Anti-Femicide Movement in Mexico: A Narrative Network Approach Dozal, Laura W*
Scaling theory bridging local structure and global properties of fractal complex networks Łepek, Michał*; Fronczak, Agata; Fronczak, Piotr
Drivers of healthcare seeking behaviour: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Mesquita, Sara*; Perfeito, Lília ; Sa, Joana G
The sentiment and structure of COVID-19 discourse on Belgian Reddit, and their implications for epidemiological forecasting Van Wesemael, Tim*; Baetens, Jan; Rocha, Luis E C
Discrete Markov chains embedded in $C_{\alpha}$ protein residue networks. Targeting catalytic sites in viral proteases Olivares-Quiroz, Luis*
Co-evolution of Innovation and R&D Networks: Exploring The Impact of Immigrants Xu, Yajie*; Barbos, Andrei
Heart rate variability analysis reveals hierarchical influences on autonomic-like responses in crayfish during social interactions Oliver-Domínguez, Iván*; García-Kroepfly, Aidee Lashmi; Osorio-Palacios, Mireya; Hernández-Falcón, Jesús; Mendoza-Ángeles, Karina
Complexity of Technologies in Japanese Corporations Karashima, Rintaro*; Inoue, Hiroyasu
Mapping the distribution of seagrass meadows from space with deep convolutional neural networks Giménez-Romero, Àlex*; Ferchichi, Dhafer; Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Sintes, Tomas; Matías, Manuel A.
Modeling urban sustainability using a spatial and game-based multiagent system Socci, Vittoria*; Vitanza, Eleonora; Mocenni, Chiara
Hegselmann-Krause opinion dynamics model with noise and/or weighted influence Giaquinta, Chiara*; Chavalarias, David; Hernandez, Laura
Deciphering public attention to geoengineering as emerging climate solutions using machine learning and time-series analysis Debnath, Ramit*; Zhang, Pengyu; Qin, Tianzhu; Alvarez, R.Michael; Fitzgerald, Shaun
A Structuralist Model of Communication in a Population Kumar, Sagar*; Welles, Brooke
Persistence and anti-persistence of heartbeat time series of exercising subjects evaluated with the Hurst exponent Zamora-Justo, José A.; Muñoz-Diosdado, Alejandro*
An Agent-Based Model of Inter-Species Interactions in Agroforestry Systems Comolli, Luis R*
Topologically-induced suppression of explosive synchronization on graphs Miranda, Manuel*; Frasca, Mattia; Estrada Roger, Ernesto
Modelling the stock market as a co-evolving multilayer network Giannakis, Nikolaos; Michaud, Jérôme*
Measuring Travel Time Variability And Its Spatial-Temporal Inequality Using Bus Open Data Service (BODS) Chen, Zihao*; Botta, Federico
Temporal clusters of opinion expressions in collective decision-making Ito, Mariko*
Patterns in Temporal Networks with Higher-Order Egocentric Structures Arregui-García, Beatriz*; Longa, Antonio; Lotito, Quintino Francesco; Meloni, Sandro; Cencetti, Giulia
JSN-HiTS: Entropy-aided Clustering and Deep Neural Interpolation Framework for Multivariate Real Estate Time Series Forecasting Le, Anh Dat*; Rajasegarar, Sutharshan; Angelova, Maia
Model of a true slime mould that goes backward gradient of attractant Tani, iori*
Change in the Chilean Electoral System: a Complex Systems Perspective Parra, Nicolás R. E.*; Ormazábal, Ignacio
Detection of Higher Order Causality in Complex Systems Korenek, Jakub*
Spatial segregation patterns and association with built environment features in Colombian cities Useche, Andres F*; Sarmiento , Olga L; Montes, Felipe; Alvarez, Maria; Medina, Pablo; Higuera, Diana
Logging into the planetary labour market: Quantifying skill diversity on online labour platforms Ojanperä, Sanna*; O’Clery, Neave
Emulation of non-experimental complex system using experimental chemical reactions Fernandes da Cunha, Éverton*
Analysis of International Economic Integration based on a Computational Mathematical Model of Economic Complexity – Study Case: MERCOSUR González, Arturo R.*; González, Sanny; Pereira, Gabriel; von Lücken , Christian D; Blanco, Gerardo
Self-organizing networks of unfriendly individuals Halupka, Konrad*
Cascading Failures in the Banking Network – An Application of Complex Networks Rao, Liteshwar*; Cwilich, Gabriel
Exploring the dynamics of multiple language coexistence in real networks Nunes, Renan O*; Dornelas, Vivian; Patriarca, Marco; Heinsalu, Els
Assessing the vulnerability of interplanetary networks Bachmann, Ivana*; Fraire, Juan A.
Simulation models for systems of cities and sustainable development goals Raimbault, Juste*; Pumain, Denise
Tackling complexity through configurational approaches: A call for methodological creativity and mixed-methods approaches around the Complexigraphy method Teixeira de Melo, Ana*; Renault, Letícia
Can we anticipate polarization scenarios in a parliament: Calibration challenges for agent-based models Galdames-Opazo, Walter; Millar-Sáez, Gerardo; Ormazábal, Ignacio*
Nonlinear Dynamics during Text Movements: A Comparison of Eye Movements and Reading Times Tschense, Monika*
The distribution of language populations in an Ising model for language evolution. Oliver, Ludo; Houghton, Conor J*
Dynamical Properties of Random Boolean Hypernetworks Stoltz, Kevin M*; Joslyn, Cliff; Joslyn, Cliff
A dynamical approach to the symptoms graph Caporossi, Iacopo*; Mocenni, Chiara; Vitanza, Eleonora
The impact of homophily in adherence to anti-epidemic measures on the spread of infectious diseases in social networks Gubiec, Tomasz*; Bentkowski, Piotr
Bridging the ICT Skills Gap through Complex Systems Education: Insights and Innovations from a Multinational Collaboration Tsouchnika, Maria*; Kanetidis, Michael; Argyrakis, Panos
Estimation of corporate’s effects on species resilience based on ecological processes Silva, André P.*; Rocha, Juan C
Modelling hierarchical organisational structures – algebraic approach Pasztyła, Agnieszka*
Characterization of Blink Interval Distributions Using the Fokker-Planck Equation Kinoshita, Shu-ichi*; Ikeda, Kota; Suzuki, Maiha
Application of machine learning models for fruit yield prediction and estimation in orchards from Chilean central valley Altimiras, Francisco*
Analyzing User Ideologies and Shared News During the 2019 Argentinian Elections del Pozo, Sofia M*; Pinto, Sebastián; Serafino, Matteo; Garcia, Lucio; Makse, Hernan; Balenzuela, Pablo

Thu 17:30 – 20:00

Friday 6 Sep 2024

09:00 – 10:30 Keynote Talks 5

Digital Information and Public Discourse: Exploring Complexity, Challenges, and Societal Implications

Fabiana ZolloAuditorium

Chair: Riccardo Di Clemente

Fri 09:00 – 09:45

Contagion processes on networks and hypernetworks

Alain BarratAuditorium

Chair: Iacopo Iacopini

Fri 09:45 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00 Lightning Talks 3

Extending the moral machine experiment on large language models

Takemoto, Kazuhiro*Auditorium

Fri 10:30 – 10:33

A universal framework for inclusive 15-minute cities

Bruno, Matteo*; Monteiro Melo, Hygor Piaget; Campanelli, Bruno; Loreto, VittorioAuditorium

Fri 10:33 – 10:36

Market and price forecasting behaviour of Large Language Models compared to human subjects

del rio chanona, maria*; Pangallo, Marco; Hommes, Cars; Mishkin, PamelaAuditorium

Fri 10:36 – 10:39

A Markov Decision Model for Emotion Regulation

Vitanza, Eleonora*; Mocenni, ChiaraAuditorium

Fri 10:39 – 10:42

Dynamic predictability and spatio-temporal contexts in human mobility

Poudyal, Bibandhan; Pacheco, Diogo F*; Oliveira, Marcos; Chen, Zexun; Barbosa, Hugo; Menezes, Ronaldo; Ghoshal, GourabAuditorium

Fri 10:42 – 10:45

11:30 – 13:30 Parallel Sessions 5

11:30 – 13:00 Behavioral Patterns and Social Structures 4

The role of context in the bursty temporal dynamics of online activities on Facebook

Deng, Dongning*; Kmetty, Zoltán; Koltai, JuliaRoom 1-2-3

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Patterns of Trust in News. Disagreement or disinformation?

Lo Sardo, Donald Ruggiero*; Brugnoli, Emanuele; Loreto, Vittorio; Ubaldi, Enrico; Gravino, PietroRoom 1-2-3

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Quantifying social stereotypes toward older drivers in Japan using social media posts

Nakanishi, Akito*; Sano, Yukie; Ichikawa, MasaoRoom 1-2-3

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Cross-platform impact of social media algorithmic adjustments on public discourse

Gravino, Pietro*; Lo Sardo, Donald Ruggiero; Brugnoli, EmanueleRoom 1-2-3

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Social Media Polarization Mirrors Shifts in Pakistani Political Alliances

Baqir, Anees; Galeazzi, Alessandro*; Drocco, Andrea; Zollo, FabianaRoom 1-2-3

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

Who is driving the conversation? Analysing the nodality of British MPs and journalists on online platforms

Chakraborty, Sukankana*; Castro-Gonzalez, Leonardo; Margetts, Helen; Rajpal, Hardik; Guariso, Daniele; Bright, JonathanRoom 1-2-3

Fri 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Behavioral Patterns and Social Structures 5

Network topology effects on the social circle polls.

Palermo, Giovanni*; Gravino, Pietro; Prevedello, Giulio; Brugnoli, Emanuele; Lo Sardo, Donald Ruggiero; Loreto, VittorioRoom 11

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Minor extensions of the logistic equation for growth curves of word counts on online media: parametric observation of diversity of growth in society

Watanabe, Hayafumi*Room 11

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Behavioural Contagion in Human and Artificial Multi-Agent Systems: A Computational Modeling Perspective

Karimian, Maryam M*Room 11

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

A spectrum of complexity uncovers Dunbar’s number and other leaps in social structure

Saavedra, Martin; Mira, Jorge; Muñuzuri, Alberto P.; Seoane, Luis F*Room 11

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Trade-off between quality and speed of collective discovery processes: from social simulations to empirical evidences with the Nobel Game

Chavalarias, David*; Segovia, Jose; Panahi, MaziyarRoom 11

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Complex Networks 3

Enabling Viable Supply Networks with Cooperative-Distributed Local-Decentralised Control

Proselkov, Yaniv*Room 7-8

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Modelling of three-component complex conflict with decision-making, host population support and resource redistribution

Shelyag, Sergiy*; McKerral (Fisher), Jody; Zuparic, Mathew; Francis, Michael; McLennan-Smith, TimothyRoom 7-8

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Endogenous labour flow networks and the skills evolution of the UK labour market

Fair, Kathyrn R*; Meine, David; Guerrero, OmarRoom 7-8

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Do skills predict labour mobility? Delving deeper into the drivers of job switches

Kessler, Zachary; Fair, Kathyrn R*; Guerrero, OmarRoom 7-8

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Exploring the Impact of Spatial Community Structure On Extremism in an Adaptive Spatial Social Network Model

Bullock, Seth*Room 7-8

Thu 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 12:30 Complexity Approaches to Energy

11:30 – 12:30 Complexity in Food Systems

Collaborative filtering and food pairing

Palermo, Giovanni*; Caprioli, Claudio; Albora, GiambattistaLab 1

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Adaptive Shock Compensation in the Multi-layer Network of Global Food Production and Trade

Baum, Sophia*; Laber, Moritz; Yang, Liuhuaying; Thurner, Stefan; Klimek, PeterLab 1

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Characterizing Restaurant Nutritional Quality Across the United States

Seo, DongHyeon*; Burghardt, Keith; Abeliuk, Andrés; Horn, AbigailLab 1

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Modeling Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diet: An Agent-Based Approach to Understanding Diet Dynamics in Philadelphia

Useche, Andres F*; Stankov, Ivana; Langellier, BrentLab 1

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Replanting unproductive palm oil with smallholder plantations can help achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Sumatra, Indonesia

Fosch, Ariadna*; Ferraz de Arruda, Guilherme; Aleta, Alberto; Descals, Adrià; Gaveau, David; Morgans, Courtney; Rintanen, Truly; Struebig, Matthew; Meijaard, Erik; Moreno, YamirRoom 4

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Disordered Systems and Critical Behaviors

Local sign stability as a predictor for stability in complex systems

Valigi, Pietro; Neri, Izaak*; Cammarota, ChiaraRoom 10

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Cluster-Driven Momentum Portfolios

Bradley, Joseph C*; Di Matteo, Tiziana; Mrazik, MatusRoom 10

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Spectral theory of multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck reversible processes

Barucca, Paolo*Room 10

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Analysis of critical behaviour using social inequality indices

Biswas, Soumyajyoti*Room 10

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

First-passage on disordered intervals

Holehouse, James*; Redner, SidneyRoom 10

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

Nonlinear responses and tipping in strongly fluctuation-driven systems

Börner, Georg*; Thümler, Moritz; Schröder, Malte; Timme, MarcRoom 4

Fri 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Epidemiological Dynamics and Social Behavior

Getting the Flu in El Farol: Exploring Epidemiological Dynamics in a Social Dilemma

Bertolotti, Francesco*; Pasquino, Luca; Kadera, Niccolò; Mari, LucaRoom 5

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Dynamics of vaccine hesitancy analysis using social network and implications on virus propagation

Achitouv , Ixandra *; Chavalarias , DavidRoom 5

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

News propagation on Twitter – analysis of a diverse dataset does not show evidence of difference in fake news spread

Vranić, Ana*; Almeida, Paulo; Reis, José; Sa, Joana GRoom 5

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Mapping emotional landscapes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Balsamo, Duilio*; Lucchini, Lorenzo; Bianchi, Federico; Hovy, Dirk; Melegaro, Alessia; Balbo, NicolettaRoom 5

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

A family of distance backbones that preserves spreading dynamics and centrality ranks

Pereira, Miguel B.*; Costa, Felipe X; Rocha, Luis MRoom 5

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

11:30 – 13:00 Evolutionary Dynamics and Brain Networks

Higher-order connectomics of human brain function reveals local topological signatures of task decoding, individual identification, and behavior

Santoro, Andrea*; Battiston, Federico; Lucas, Maxime; Petri, Giovanni; Amico, EnricoRoom 9

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Cross-frequency coupling in the brain dynamics: Causality vs. lead-lag relationship

Palus, Milan*; Arinyo-i-Prats, Andreu; Lopez-Madrona, VictorRoom 9

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Jensen–Shannon Complexity for measuring deterministic properties of mouse EEG

Koyama, Kazuki*; Sakaguchi, Masanori; Ohnishi, TakaakiRoom 9

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Information transfer as an evolutionary feed for emergence of critical brain network

Roudakian , Kamyar *; Kabakcioglu, AlkanRoom 9

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Approximate symmetries of complex networks

Hartman, David; Pidnebesna, Anna; Pokorna, Aneta; Hlinka, Jaroslav*Room 9

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

Homological cycles of Functional Connectivity delimit highly synergistic brain areas

Poetto, Simone*; Petri, Giovanni; Neri, Matteo; Brovelli, AndreaRoom 9

Fri 12:45 – 13:00

11:30 – 13:00 Multimodal Networks and Urban Accessibility

The role of transport systems in housing insecurity: a mobility-based analysis

Iyer, Nandini*; Barbosa, Hugo; Menezes, RonaldoAuditorium

Fri 11:30 – 11:45

Novel Phase Transition on Charging Networks of Electric Vehicles

Tanizawa, Toshihiro*; Goto, Hayato; Yoshida, HiroakiAuditorium

Fri 11:45 – 12:00

Access to Opportunities and Car Dependency in Urban Environments

Campanelli, Bruno*; Marzolla, Francesco; Bruno, Matteo; Monteiro Melo, Hygor Piaget; Loreto, VittorioAuditorium

Fri 12:00 – 12:15

Geometry of optimal multilayer transportation networks

Marquis, Ulysse P*; Bontorin, Sebastiano; Gallotti, RiccardoAuditorium

Fri 12:15 – 12:30

Complex dynamics in multimodal networks

Lebacque, Jean-Patrick*; Khoshyaran, MeganAuditorium

Fri 12:30 – 12:45

Planning the Electric Vehicle Transition by Integrating Spatial Information and Social Networks

Wu, Jiaman*; González, Marta C.; Salgado, ArielRoom 4

Fri 12:45 – 13:00

14:00 – 15:30 CCS Awards

No workshops in this session.